Good Deeds bracelets
The 100 Good Deeds bracelet is a collaboration between Mary Fisher, an artist who works to support vulnerable women across the world, and Thomas Morgan, a filmmaker who created the 100 Good Deeds game with his family. In the game you go out of your way to help someone, but the deed only counts if it remains anonymous. Mary created a bracelet to represent this game, and it’s a call to do good deeds and a strategy to empower women.
Each bracelet is hand-braided from fine nylon thread and strung with 100 glass beads. The bracelets are made by vulnerable women, who have been trained for this work, in Uganda, Zambia, South Africa, Bali, Rwanda, Haiti, India and the USA. What is wonderful is that each bracelet package is signed by the woman who made it – my bracelet was made by Niputu Widi Asih from Bali, Indonesia. Reading this made me feel a connection with Asih as an individual craftswoman and feel grateful for how this project is supporting women like her, and their families.
There are many beautiful colours of bracelet to choose from. You wrap the bracelet around your wrist and secure with a loop. At one end is a small rubber ring, which you pass over a bead each time you do a good deed.
I love wearing the bracelet. I find myself doing plenty of good deeds, but I must admit that it’s really difficult to make them anonymous. However, what I love about the bracelet is that it’s a beautiful visual reminder to stay positive and remember that the world will become a better place if we all work from a position of love. We can all contribute to positive change through “one act of kindness at a time”.