Environmental Protection Agency Careers
Want to help protect your environment? Improve the health of all Americans? From geology to mechanical engineering, from biology to chemistry, EPA is looking for scientists, technologists and engineers to perform cutting-edge research in a dynamic learning environment - research that can help make this a cleaner, more sustainable planet.
On this page:
Science at EPA
For more than 45 years, our researchers have provided the strong, scientific foundation that supports everything we do to meet its mission to protect human health and the environment. In 2015 alone, our researchers:
While a single report outlining the work and achievements of just a single year would fill many volumes, our Research 2015 Yearbook highlights just a small sample of the critical impact of that work. We invite you to flip through the yearbook to get a flavor for the innovative and important work that is continually unfolding at EPA research labs and field sites around the country and across the world.
The video below also highlights how EPA research has impacted the lives of Americans, helping to ensure that we all get clean air and water, safer chemicals and products, and sustainable, healthy communities.
EPA Scientists at Work
Learn in this series of videos about the work of selected EPA scientists.
Career Opportunities: Overview
All science jobs at EPA are listed on USAJobs.gov. Job categories/occupational series include Environmental Health Scientist, Biologist, Ecologist, Environmental Engineer, Fishery Biologist, Geologist, Physiologist, Microbiologist, Toxicologist, Physical Scientist and many more. EPA also maintains a list of current job openings.
Post-Doc Opportunities
Over 300 researchers have participated in EPA's post-doctoral program. The program offers:
- appointments of up to four years,
- state-of-the-art facilities,
- world-class scientific expertise,
- throughout the United States,
- travel to professional scientific meetings, and
- active postdoctoral trainee organizations.
Participants receive full benefits and a salary commensurate with qualifications and locality pay adjustments.
EPA was named a Best Place to Work Postdocs in 2013 by The Scientist (PDF) Exit
Note that 2013 was the final year that The Scientist surveyed postdoc researchers to find out which institutions and companies fostered the most innovative, rigorous, and supportive research environments.